2022 yılı yayınları

2022 yılında üniversitemizin Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları (SKA) ile ilişkili yayınları:

[SKA-1] Caglar AE, Güloglu B, Gedikli A (2022) “Moving towards sustainable environmental development for BRICS: Investigating the asymmetric effect of natural resources on CO2” Sustainable Development https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2318

[SKA-2] Aydın E (2022) “Evaluation of chemical composition and cooking properties of Turkish type gluten-free rice couscous” Czech Journal of Food Sciences https://doi.org/10.17221/223/2021-CJFS

[SKA-3] Erdem Sultanoğlu, T., Ataoğlu S, Demir K, Samanci R (2022) “Evaluation of Neuropathic Pain Component in Myofascial Pain Syndrome; Its Effect on Emosyonel Status, Sleep and Quality of Life” Medical Science and Discovery https://doi.org/10.36472/msd.v9i1.668

[SKA-3] Özde Ş, Kayapınar O, Doğru M, et al. (2022) “Evaluation of the Early Effects of Childhood Asthma and Its Treatment on Cardiac Function as Revealed by Two-Dimensional Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography” Pediatr Cardiol https://doi.org/10.1007/s00246-022-02941-w

[SKA-4] Albayrakoglu O, Kilic A (2021) “Examination of teaching and learning processes of an elective applied mathematics course” Journal of Qualitative Research in Education https://doi.org/10.14689/enad.26.11 

[SKA-4] Durusoy İ, Bahçeci Öztürk Y (2022) “What Are Foresters Taught? An Analysis of Undergraduate Level Forestry Curricula in Türkiye” Sustainability https://doi.org/10.3390/su141912568

[SKA-4] Kethüda Ö (2022) “Evaluating the influence of university ranking on the credibility and perceived differentiation of university brands” Journal of Marketing for Higher Education https://doi.org/10.1080/08841241.2022.2059733

[SKA-4] Ökmen B, Kılıç A (2022) “Developing the instructional process in the layered flipped learning model for secondary school English courses” Educ Res Policy Prac https://doi.org/10.1007/s10671-021-09297-7

[SKA-5] Akalin A (2022) “The effect of a reproductive health course on sexual myths, sexual attitudes and gender perceptions among university students” The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care https://doi.org/10.1080/13625187.2022.2045934

[SKA-6] Çitgez T, Karagül R, Özcan M, Özbayram AK (2022) “Effect of land use on some physical and chemical water quality parameters in the sub-atersheds of big melen stream” Forestist https://doi.org/10.5152/forestist.2021.20054

[SKA-6] Gorazd Urbanič, Emilio Politti, Patricia Maria Rodríguez-González, Robin Payne, Derek Schook, Maria Helena Alves, Ana Anđelković, Daniel Bruno, Mila Chilikova-Lubomirova, Sara Di Lonardo, Roey Egozi, Virginia Garófano-Gómez, Inês Gomes Marques, Marta González del Tánago, Yaşar Selman Gültekin, Bruna Gumiero, Seppo Hellsten, Georgi Hinkov, Jiří Jakubínský, Philippe Janssen, Roland Jansson, Mary Kelly-Quinn, Timea Kiss, Stefan Lorenz, Roberto Martinez Romero, Zlatko Mihaljević, Eva Papastergiadou, Maja Pavlin Urbanič, Ellis Penning, Tenna Riis, Jozef Šibík, Mária Šibíková, Tzvetan Zlatanov, Simon Dufour (2022) “Riparian zones–from policy neglected to policy integrated” Frontiers in Environmental Science doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.868527

[SKA-7] Deepanraj B, Senthilkumar N, Jarin T. Gurel AE, Sundar LS, Anand AV (2022) “Intelligent wild geese algorithm with deep learning driven short term load forecasting for sustainable energy management in microgrids” Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 36, 100813. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2210537922001445

[SKA-7] Karaağaç, M. O., Ergün, A., Gürel, A. E., Ceylan, İ., & Yıldız, G. (2022) Assessment of a novel defrost method for PV/T system assisted sustainable refrigeration system. Energy Conversion and Management 267, 115943. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0196890422007397  

[SKA-7] Ashok, A., Gugulothu, S. K., Reddy, R. V., Gurel, A. E., Deepanraj, B. (2022) Prediction-optimization of the influence of 1-pentanol/jatropha oil blends on RCCI engine characteristics using multi-objective response surface methodology. Renewable Energy Focus, 42, 8-23. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1755008422000412  

[SKA-7] Bakır, H., Ağbulut, Ü., Gürel, A. E., Yıldız, G., Güvenç, U., Soudagar, M. E. M., Afzal, A. (2022) Forecasting of future greenhouse gas emission trajectory for India using energy and economic indexes with various metaheuristic algorithms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 360, 131946. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959652622015554

[SKA-7] Yıldız, G., Ağbulut, Ü., Gürel, A. E., Ergün, A., Afzal, A., Saleel, C. A. (2022) Energetic, exergetic, and thermoeconomic analyses of different nanoparticles-added lubricants in a heat pump water heater. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 33, 101975. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214157X22002210

[SKA-8] Erkul A, Külünk İ (2022) “Vulnerable employment in developing economies: The case of sub-Saharan African countries” African Development Review https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8268.12646

[SKA-9] Tay M, Senturk A (2022) “A New Energy-Aware Cluster Head Selection Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks” Wireless Pers Commun https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08990-3

[SKA-9] Türkyılmaz Y, Senturk A, Bayrakdar ME (2022) “Employing machine learning based malicious signal detection for cognitive radio networks” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.7457

[SKA-9] Erdoğan, S., Gedikli, A., Cevik, E. I., & Erdoğan, F. (2022). Eco-friendly technologies, international tourism and carbon emissions: Evidence from the most visited countries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 121705.

[SKA-11] Gedikli, Ayfer, Cihan Yavuz Taş, and Nur Billur Taş. (2022) "Redefining Smart Cities, Urban Energy, and Green Technologies for Sustainable Development." Handbook of Research on Sustainable Development Goals, Climate Change, and Digitalization. IGI Global, 216-232.

[SKA-13] Rodríguez-Gonzalez PM., Abraham E, Aguiar F, Andreoli A, Baležentienė L, Berisha N, Bernez I., Bruen M, Bruno D, Camporeale C, Čarni A, Chilikova-Lubomirova Corenblit D, Cušterevska R, Doody T, England J, Evette A, Francis R, Garofano-Gomez V, Gültekin YS, Dufour S (2022) “Bringing the margin to the focus: 10 challenges for riparian vegetation science and management” WIREs Water https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1604

[SKA-13] Erdoğan, S., Gedikli, A., Çevik, E. İ., Erdoğan, F., & Çevik, E. (2022). Precious metals as safe-haven for clean energy stock investment: Evidence from nonparametric Granger causality in distribution test. Resources Policy, 79, 102945.

[SKA-13] Gedikli, Ayfer, et al. (2022) "Dynamic relationship between international tourism, economic growth and environmental pollution in the OECD countries: evidence from panel VAR model." Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 1-17.

[SKA-13] Gedikli, Ayfer, Nur Billur Taş, Abdullah Kutalmış Yalçın (2022) "Breaking the Vicious Cycle Between Migration and Environmental Degradation: The Role of Government." Analyzing Sustainability in Peripheral, Ultra-Peripheral, and Low-Density Regions. IGI Global, 156-178.

[SKA-13] Gedikli, Ayfer, and Abdullah Kutalmış Yalçın. (2022) "The Role of the Government in Environmental Sustainability During the COVID-19 Pandemic." Handbook of research on sustainable development goals, climate change, and digitalization. IGI Global, 308-325.

[SKA-13] Çakmak T (2022) "Biodiversity and distribution of soil nematodes at surroundings of the ancient city of Prusias ad Hypium, Konuralp, Düzce (Türkiye)" Turkish Journal of Entomology https://doi.org/10.16970/entoted.1074947

[SKA-13] Çakar, ND., Erdoğan, S., Gedikli, A., Öncü, MA (2022) Nuclear energy consumption, nuclear fusion reactors and environmental quality: The case of G7 countries. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54(4), 1301-1311.

[SKA-13] Erdogan, S., Gedikli, A., Çevik, Eİ., Öncü, MA (2022) Does military expenditure impact environmental sustainability in developed Mediterranean countries?. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(21), 31612-31630.

[SKA-14] Altınışık İ, Yağlıoğlu D (2022) “Age and Growth of the Bulgarian Minnow, Phoxinus strandjae (Drensky, 1926) (Actinopterygii: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) Living in Melen River Basin (Düzce, Turkey)” Natural and Engineering Sciences https://doi.org/10.28978/nesciences.1098664

[SKA-15] Gültekin YS, (2022) "Ecotourism through the perception of forest villagers: understanding via mediator effects using structural equation modeling" https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-20882-y

[SKA-15] Gültekin YS, (2022) "Modeling the mediation roles in the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment of public sector forest engineers in Turkey" https://doi.org/10.1080/13416979.2022.2028706

[SKA-15] Öztürk N, Akbulut S, Baysal İ, Kulaç Ş (2022) "Effect of Bursaphelenchus spp. inoculation on carbohydrate concentrations of differentpine species in forest stands of Düzce Forest Directorate" Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry https://doi.org/10.55730/1300-011X.3012

[SKA-15] Uzun, S., Eroglu, E., Sarginci, M. et al. (2022) “Research on possible damage caused by recreational activities in Yedigöller National Park” Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-021-03501-0

[SKA-15] Aslan AM, Yüksel B, Öztürk N (2022) "Antagonistic Effects of Trichoderma Species in Biocontrol of Armillaria Root Rot Disease In Vitro Conditions" Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty https://doi.org/10.17475/kastorman.1095712

[SKA-17] Filip Alimpić, Jelena Milovanovic, Remigiusz Pielech, Georgi Hinkov, Roland Jansson, Simon Dufour, Marcin Beza, Nebi Bilir, Luis Santos Del Blanco, Gregor Bozic, Daniel Bruno, Pier Mario Chiarabaglio, Neli Doncheva, Yaşar Selman Gültekin, Mladen Ivankovic, Mary Kelly-Quinn (2022) “The status and role of genetic diversity of trees for the conservation and management of riparian ecosystems: A European experts' perspective” Journal of Applied Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14247